Camp Woodland Blog

Happy New Year from Aquarius

One Stop Shopping for New Year’s Resolutions!
Among the top resolutions that are made at the start of each New Year, some of the most common goals can be met while spending an AMAZING summer at Camp Woodland/Towering Pines:

Eat Healthy: Instead of serving processed food, we provide meals made from “scratch”.  No powdered eggs here!  We even “cook” in Arts and Crafts!

CW Food

Get Moving:  Video games and TV are put aside for 6 weeks – campers are active and get plenty of exercise in the great outdoors. We use our feet to take us everywhere we need to go!

  CW Soccer

Reduce Stress: Camp is a great way to “unplug” from the constant flow of text messages, emails, and other social media.  It is also a time to put the pressures of school and grades aside and just enjoy living in the moment.  Above all, camp is FUN!!

CW Aquatramp

Try Something New: With a variety of physical, recreational, and creative activities to choose from, campers have the opportunity to explore a wide range of interests.

CW Ropes Course

Spend More Time With Friends:  Imagine spending 24 hours a day for 6 weeks with a group of your closest friends…how AWESOME is that?!

CW Campfire
CW Coed Show
New Year’s Resolution:
Join us at Camp Woodland/Towering Pines and “Dare to Explore” in 2014…
we are VERY EXCITED about the upcoming summer!

My Favorite Things – Aquarius

Regina: The fresh air when I get off the bus and seeing my friends at the end of the Woodland Road.  I love that even when you miss a summer, you get here and you feel like you never left.  I love all the traditions we have, and this is literally my second family.

Cami:  I love that being at camp is a total new world for you where you isolate yourself from everything that happens back at home.  You get to do tons of fun stuff and learn to be independent and do stuff by yourself!  I love that you develop different skills in every activity.  Here at camp you get to meet new people that as the years pass by will became your sisters.

Katelyn: Some of my favorite things at camp are my amazing camp sisters that I have created and bonded with.  These girls are people that I have broken all walls with and I am closer to them than anyone else.  I also love that I can be myself at camp.  Here at camp no one judges and no one cares if you are different or weird because we embrace it! Lastly, I love that of the girls that have become my sisters I wouldn’t  have met any of them had I not gone to camp!

Paige: My favorite things about camp are that I make lifelong friends here that are so amazing!  I won’t ever forget them.  This place is my second home, I can’t ever imagine what my life would be like if I had not come here and met the amazing people I’ve met.  The activities I do here are so fun, my favorite activity is sailing.  It really relaxes me and helps me forget about everything that happens.  My other favorite thing about camp is that we have a brother camp that we can hang out with and be friends with.

Mera: One of my absolute favorite things about camp and being CIT is coed show!! It’s really awesome to be singing and dancing on stage after years of watching it.  Another one of my favorite things about being at camp is seeing all my friends that I don’t see during the year. Some activities like sailing and Riflery are things I may not able to do at home, but at camp I can!

Jess: My favorite thing about camp is being with my friends all of the time.  We make really great bonds and have inside jokes. It’s like a second home.  You have another family away from home.  I also get to do all of my favorite activities, like sailing and crafts. Another thing I love is laundry day! All the clothes I have get clean, and I feel fresh! Feeling clean also goes along with painting our nails.  Everyone always paints their nails, so that it’s kind of like a trend that we do together.  That’s everything I love about camp!


·      I love being a CIT – that is being at camp with more responsibility

·      I love the riding department.  We help girls all different levels or riding

·      My favorite meal is the Thanksgiving meal because I love turkey and mashed potatoes

·      Learning new things – life lessons, maturing, and responsibilities

·      Becoming good friends with all these girls from all over!

Ally: I love to be in the nature and woods because it’s relaxing and more peaceful. I like to be with my cabin because I have the opportunity to be with the same friends.  Being a CIT is amazing because I can really help with the campers and assist counselors.  CO-ED show!  I love the songs!  I love, love singing, and I am very excited for the shows.  Trying something new, like water skiing, because I proved to myself I can do it!  The songs after dinner because we are together!