Camp Woodland Blog

Home Is Where The Camp Is…..

I know, I know, the real saying is “Home is where the heart is!”,  but for me my heart/2nd home will always belong to Camp Woodland for Girls.  Hi, My name is Lee Albrecht Biear.  Some of you may know me because I started working at camp in 2012 as the Marketing Director.  But a lot of you don’t know that I got my start with the Jordan family in 1996 when I was about 17 years old.

I will tell you from my humble beginning that there is no place like it.  I thought 6 week camps only existed in the movies like on Parent Trap.  I had no idea that most of my life I lived just 2 hours from one of the most magical places.

I now live in Virginia and people ask me what is so magical about this camp?  I tell them it is where so many young people got their start.  Because of the Jordan family we learned not only the definition, but the value of so many of the following life lessons:

Persistence: I was not selected for a college study abroad program in Costa Rica. I didn’t give up, so I started my own study abroad program while still in college. It is now a nationally recognized program in both Costa Rica and Nicaragua.


Lee designing water pumps with Latin American Farmers

Leadership:  Planning all of those evening programs paid off for me.  I was fearless in building project teams on the “fly” for the National Environmental Protection Agency, and received many accolades for my efforts in Climate Change projects.


Lee running US EPA National Conference

Determination:  Ran over 6 marathons! I thought I never could run more than 6 miles at once.   Camp taught me to be determined, never give up, and go after your dreams at any age!


Lee running 200 mile relay race

Making Friends for Life: I grew up in a small town where friends were made in kindergarten, and the art of making friends was lost until stumbling into college.  I learned how to make friends at camp that I will never lose.  I still talk to most of my camp friends and lean on them as a support system during life’s struggles.


Lee with fellow Alum Alice!

So just when you think your daughter’s learning a new activity this summer–sit back and wait, because they are learning so much more!!!

Lee Albrecht Biear
Camp Woodland For Girls 1996-2003 & 2012-2014
Master of Public Health
Camp Woodland Marketing Director
All Things Camp Director
Staff Mentor
Camp Mom