Simply the Best
Woodland features a multi-activity, individual choice, and skill-building program. Our unique size assures daily access to favorite activities and allows girls to learn in a small group setting. Instruction and coaching at all levels is provided so as to challenge the fifth year camper as well as reassure the first timer to try something new.
The individual camper selects her own program from a diverse variety of activities and participates in them for at least two weeks until she selects a new set of activities. This gives plenty of time to learn, practice, and progress, while receiving supervision and encouragement every step of the way. Campers have the opportunity to change their schedule (if desired) to pursue and experience new activities and interests after every two weeks.
The instructional emphasis in selected activities is designed to build skills, inspire new interests and promote achievement of personal goals.
Camp is a sheltered community – a “home away from home.” The variety of shared experiences with friends and positive mentors build unity and strong friendships.
With lots of variety, freedom to make your own choices and counselors to teach you how to do it, Woodland is simply the best place to spend your summers!
Daily Program
8:00 am – Breakfast
8:30 am – Cabin Clean-up
9:00am – Morning Assembly (flag raising)
9:15 am – Morning Activities – 3 choices
12:30 pm – Lunch
1:15 pm – Mail Call!
1:30pm – Rest hour
2:30pm – Afternoon Activity Periods – Choose 3 more!
5:45pm – Evening Assembly (flag lowering)
6:00 pm – Dinner
7:15 pm – Evening Activities (campfires, workshops, team sports, theme nights, performing arts shows, ……)
8:15 pm – Evening Snack
8:30 pm – Leadership Training for teens
9:30pm – CIT’s sing a good night song – Lights Out!
Evening Program
Evening programs are different all the time! Campfires, movie night, zumba, yoga cabin night, performing arts shows, yoga and inter-camp competitions are just a few activities we offer in the evenings. Try something you didn’t have time to do during the day.
Special Events
At Woodland, we also have unstructured time to play, be creative, and have fun being part of a team. Check out just a few of the many special events we offer:
- Paddle across the lake for an overnight canoe trip with your cabin
- Enjoy the 4th of July Fireworks at our brother camp
- Participate in Lip Sync and Song Contests
- Be part of a team during camp Olympics
- Look for the “Mother Lode” on Gold Rush Day
- Water Trampoline, blob & water slide excursion
- Enjoy weekly cookouts and picnics
- Is it your birthday at camp? We celebrate camp birthdays in a spectacular way!
I feel ever so strongly that camp is a vital component to building a strong character and a foundation for life. The camps attract children form all over the globe. The setting is just perfect. The staff is highly trained and safety is their number one concern. My children have made everlasting friendships and I believe my decision to send them to camp was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”