Camp Woodland Blog

Camp Woodland Camper Reunion

Posted by on December 11, 2012

The Jordan Family held their annual camper reunion right before Thanksgiving in Illinois.   JoAnne’s brother Jeff (operates Towering Pines) hosted both the Woodland and Towering Pines camper reunions at his house.  In all we had over 22 Woodland Girls stop by and share what they are up to these days.  They also enjoyed looking at the 2012 Scrapbook and reminiscing about past summers.

We also had a few surprises…..We showed the new featured  Camp Woodland Promotional Video.  The girls had a great time watching themselves doing all their favorite activities and cheesing it up in front of the camera!

Check out what your daughter’s friends are up to these days.  

·      Emily G brought her ukulele to the reunion and is going to be interviewed by NBC for the movie she made

·      Sofia S is going on a tour with her choir to San Francisco

·      Jessica S is on a travel volleyball team now that the school season is over. She is also excited for being in her school’s variety show with her Dad (Jon Sorkin)


    Caroline L is enjoying her first year of high school

·      Georgana D started shareboarding a quarterhorse named Ariel is working on jumping a course

·      Amelia D is playing soccer, taking horseback riding, and  moving into jumping

Thank you CITs for getting a few of these great narratives on each of these wonderful campers!

Pinterest Site: Do want to see who else stopped by??? We have the full Camper Reunion photo album posted on our Pinterest Site to share with your daughter!

Early Enrollment Reminder: It is not too late to get a early enrollment discount.  We have extended our early enrollment deadline to January 1, 2013.  Email JoAnne today for more details at  We can’t wait to see your daughter this summer!