Monthly Archives:December 2012

Give the gift that keeps on giving…Camp (posted by Lee Biear)

Happy Holidays!  

 When I was a little girl, my parents always knew what I wanted every year – a week at residential camp to spread my wings and try new things.  The problem was a week just was not enough.  I craved one more week to master my dive, be the star of campfire, and spend time with my new friends.  Luckily, we found Camp Woodland and I was able to do all of these things and much, much more.  Today, my parents and I look back and wonder where I would be today if it was not for camp.
  • Would I have been adventurous enough to travel to Costa Rica and improve the lives of local farmers?
Lee Building water pumps for farmers
Lee teaching about Water Sanitation


    • Would I have been ambitious enough to meet the President of a developing country?
Lee and President
  • Would I have been confident enough to get Masters Degree and consult for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency?
I know I would have many regrets, if it was not for my extended experience at Camp Woodland.  The Jordan Family provided an environment which allowed me to dream big…and fulfill this dream as an adult.
As your celebrating the holiday with your family and close friends,  we hope you can keep giving the gift of camp to your family this summer, and keep dreaming big!  
Camp Woodland Love,
Lee Biear

Holiday tune to "The Ship Titantic"

Tune: THE SHIP TITANIC (please sing along!)
Oh, the holidays are here, there’s no need to be blue;
The blog is back, Lee will update you it’s true.
Maddie’s no longer in the sand, but a new sister will be grand.
We’ll be glad for camp next year!
We’ll be glad,…We’ll be glad…We’ll be glad for camp next year.
We really want to see our friends, and the fun will never end. 
We’ll be glad for camp next year!
Oh, the winds are so high, and winter is so cold.
We want summer to come before we all turn old.
Kim will put math aside, and to Wisconsin she will fly.
We’ll be glad for camp next year! (Chorus)
JoAnne turned around as she watched her dogs drop down;
Zoe and Jake made the strangest sound.
Jack put up a stink because in school he has to think.
We’ll be glad for camp next year!  (Chorus)
Oh, the moral of the story as you can plainly see,
Is to plan ahead for summer – where else would you rather be?
Oh, this song is through, and we do miss you!
We’ll be glad for camp next year!
Early Enrollment has been extended to JANUARY 1st, 2013.
Send in your application form TODAY!!

Camp Woodland Camper Reunion

Posted by on December 11, 2012

The Jordan Family held their annual camper reunion right before Thanksgiving in Illinois.   JoAnne’s brother Jeff (operates Towering Pines) hosted both the Woodland and Towering Pines camper reunions at his house.  In all we had over 22 Woodland Girls stop by and share what they are up to these days.  They also enjoyed looking at the 2012 Scrapbook and reminiscing about past summers.

We also had a few surprises…..We showed the new featured  Camp Woodland Promotional Video.  The girls had a great time watching themselves doing all their favorite activities and cheesing it up in front of the camera!

Check out what your daughter’s friends are up to these days.  

·      Emily G brought her ukulele to the reunion and is going to be interviewed by NBC for the movie she made

·      Sofia S is going on a tour with her choir to San Francisco

·      Jessica S is on a travel volleyball team now that the school season is over. She is also excited for being in her school’s variety show with her Dad (Jon Sorkin)


    Caroline L is enjoying her first year of high school

·      Georgana D started shareboarding a quarterhorse named Ariel is working on jumping a course

·      Amelia D is playing soccer, taking horseback riding, and  moving into jumping

Thank you CITs for getting a few of these great narratives on each of these wonderful campers!

Pinterest Site: Do want to see who else stopped by??? We have the full Camper Reunion photo album posted on our Pinterest Site to share with your daughter!

Early Enrollment Reminder: It is not too late to get a early enrollment discount.  We have extended our early enrollment deadline to January 1, 2013.  Email JoAnne today for more details at  We can’t wait to see your daughter this summer!

Camp Woodland Blog is Back!

Posted by on December 3, 2012

Hello Parents, Staff, Campers, and Alumni!

I know all of you have been wondering, “when are we going to get another post about camp”? Wait no longer, because we are in full blog mode!   This winter we are going to send you updates about:

  •         Cool things your camper’s friends are doing
  •         Returning counselor announcements and what they are up to these days
  •         Updates from our favorite directors
  •         When the Jordan Family will be in your neighborhood!
  •         New camp stuff 2013!
  •         And much, much more!
Don’t forget to remind your daughter about the “Where in the World” Contest.  Send in a creative picture of your daughter in her favorite Camp Woodland wear, and she could win ipod speakers. We have extended the deadline to January 2, 2013 and winners will be announced shortly after.   Good luck! 
Please email all entries to:

Check it out , a few entries have already been posted on our new Camp Woodland Pinterest site!  

We would love to hear what your family has been doing this winter.  Please email us an update with photo at