Monthly Archives:August 2014

You Know You Love Camp When…(Silver Birch)


SB1   Silver Birch Clown Contest Entry at Woodland Fair

You Know You Love Camp When:

  • You make new friends.
  • You laugh and have fun together.
  • You go home and can’t stop talking about it.
  • People don’t understand that it is a “camp thing”.
  • You get to ride Big Red.
  • You are shooting arrows in archery.


Silver Birch Overnight

You Know You Love Camp When:

  • You are telling camp stories at home.
  • You go home and look at all of the photos online and think of all of the memories.
  • You don’t know what to do when you are at home and are bored.
  • You play with the goats at Farm Zoo.
  • You are eating Dan’s homemade food (especially Oreo Cookie pie)!


Silver Birch on July 4th at Towering Pines

You Know You Love Camp When…(Treetops)



Treetops showing their Woodland Spirit at Assembly

You Know You Love Camp When:

  • It is a sunny day.
  • It is cabin night and you are having fun with all of the people in your cabin.
  • You are excited to see your camp friends at the reunion.
  • You miss swimming on Sand Lake.


Treetops on Banquet Night

You Know You Love Camp When:

  • You miss the smell of campfire.
  • You don’t want to leave.
  • You wait all year for camp to start again.
  • You are with your camp friends.


Treetops posing in the Rec Hall

Dear JoAnne,

Posted by on August 8, 2014

3 Friends

Dear JoAnne,

Ever since my daughter returned home from camp, she refuses to wear anything else but a Woodland t-shirt and her new soccer socks.  All she talks about is the fun she had at camp, stories about her cabin mates, and how many days there are until camp next summer.  She claims that she hears a bell ringing periodically throughout the day.  She won’t stop singing camp songs or looking at the online photos on the Woodland website.  She even makes her bed every morning and asks if she can “hop” during dinner.  She insists that I ask you for Dan’s lasagna recipe.  Help!  Can you please explain to me what is going on with my daughter?

 A Concerned Parent

sick-teddy-bear.jpgDear Woodland Parent,

Thanks for your letter; I can assure you that what your daughter is experiencing right now sounds like a typical case of  “campsickness”.  Not to worry…YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  I receive calls and emails from parents every year at this time wondering what is happening to their camper(s).  Trust me, campsickness is not necessarily a bad thing; it just means that your daughter(s) had an AMAZING summer, and they are sad to leave their camp friends.  It is normal to miss the nonstop activity and fun that camp offers at every turn.  Coming home to an empty room can be a bit of a shock after the excitement of constant interaction with a community of girls.

I have every confidence that she will adjust to being at home again; it just takes a little time.  You can let her know that we will be corresponding with her (and you!) over the course of the winter via mail, email, and various social media.  There are all kinds of ways she can stay connected to our camp family, and before you know it, we will be headed to Woodland for another fantastic summer!

Woodland Love,


Riding Girls

You Know You Love Camp When (Starshine)…

Posted by on August 5, 2014

"                               "

Starshine hiking to the Moss Garden

You Know You Love Camp When:

  • You make references to it in the middle of the year and your friends have no idea what you are talking about.
  • You start counting down days to camp the day camp ends.
  • You find yourself looking at camp photos on the website for hours.
  • You have your Mom cook meals from camp at home.
  • You find yourself singing random camp songs in the middle of the year.

Starshine on Gold Rush Day


Starshine hanging out on the Deck
