Monthly Archives:September 2018

Happy Daughter’s Day from Driftwood

While the date of Daughter’s Day varies across countries and is celebrated on different dates around the world, the sentiment of this special day remains the same. “Daughters Day is fоr parents аnd оthеr family members tо bond with daughters аnd spend ѕоmе exclusive moments tоgеthеr tо cherish for a lifetime.” (

We thought that it was particularly fitting to celebrate this “holiday” since all Woodland campers are daughters first before they join our camp family. We are very fortunate to have a strong parent-daughter connection at Woodland as many campers are daughters of parents who went to camp themselves at either Woodland or Towering Pines. At least 25% of our campers this year had mothers and/or fathers who are camp alums! That number doesn’t include the girls whose grandparents, or aunts and uncles came to camp “back in the day.”

The Daughter’s Day blog is “sponsored” by Driftwood cabin, a special group of girls who spent their very first summer at Woodland in 2018. Part of this fun cabin included a mother-daughter duo from Pennsylvania.  Caroline was a camper in Driftwood and her Mom, Aron, was our superstar office manager extraordinaire (and also a camp staff alum)!  We will take this opportunity to share what the Driftwood campers wrote as part of their “best moments at camp.”  We will also look forward to having these girls be part of our camp family for many years to come so that their daughters will one day, too, join us!

What is one thing you know now that you didn’t know at the beginning of the summer?

Emily: I love swimming and am a pretty good dancer

Syndey: I didn’t know that Crocs were such a popular thing

Delia: I know that I am stronger than I was at the beginning of the summer, and I can canoe across the lake

Eleanora: If you use teamwork and work hard, you can have fun and reach your dreams

Libby: I didn’t know that I could dive.

Caroline: How to play tennis.

Describe a change you made in yourself this summer:

Emily: to enjoy what you have and take advantage of every minute you have

Syndey: I was more confident, and I didn’t get homesick

Delia: I have learned to be more responsible and to be cleaner (because of cabin clean-up)

Eleanora: I started to be more open

Libby: I dove for my first time ever!

Caroline: Be more enthusiastic about working harder than usual.

What are ways you were kind to the campers in your cabin or in general:

Emily: When they told me stuff or gave me tips, I took it to heart and listened when they wanted to talk

Syndey: Helping clean the cabin; I also helped by braiding their hair and borrow my stuff

Delia: If I was done with my job during cabin clean-up, then I would offer to help others. I also explained what was happening to first year campers.

Eleanora: If they needed help, I would help them.

Libby: I let them sit on my bed and never got upset.

Caroline: I tried my hardest to include everyone in everything.

How did others show kindness to you?

 Emily: Saying they cared

Syndey: They shared their stuff and helped out when I needed help.

Delia: If I was ever confused, they would help me figure out things or be nice and welcoming.

Eleanora: They made me happy when I was homesick.

Libby: They were nice and kind to me because they let me sit on their bed.

Caroline: They were friends to me.

Happy World Beard Day from Treetops

Happy World Beard Day!

“While there have been places that it hasn’t necessarily been in style, or even possible to grow for some, overall there has been a great deal of admiration and respect for someone sporting a fine beard (like Isa G!). World Beard Day (September 1st) celebrates the beard and all it has been, become, and will be in days to come.

Every year people gather in places all over the world to sport their beard, with various ways of celebrating all over the world. The origins of World Beard Day have been lost to history, which isn’t surprising considering that there is evidence that the Danish Vikings have held a day in honor of their beard going back as far as 800 AD. Back in those august days, there wasn’t a specific day held to honor the beard, but multiple celebrations throughout the region.”


Throughout the upcoming year, blogs will be “sponsored” by a different Woodland cabin from the Summer of 2018 to celebrate a “national holiday.”  We will also take this opportunity to share what campers wrote as part of their “best moments at camp”…here is a little more about the zany gals from Treetops!

What is one thing you know now that you didn’t know at the beginning of the summer?

Monica: I am more confident in my riding abilities

Molly: It’s OK to be annoyed and sad if the rest of the time you have a positive attitude

Tori: I am more independent and confident

Isa: If you believe in yourself, you can do anything!

Valentina: If you find a grizzly bear, you have to look dead

Caitlin: I didn’t know anything about sailing and riding, and now I know how to rig a sail and how to take off the halter on a horse

Describe a change you made in yourself this summer:

Monica: I learned to be kind to others

Molly: I’m more comfortable as myself, and I don’t care what others think about me

Tori: I’m more fit, and I have learned many life skills

Isa: I became more comfortable with myself

Valentina: I began to not care about the mean stuff that people say about you because it is worthless

Caitlin: I became more confident, and I feel I got better at asking questions

What are ways you were kind to the campers in your cabin or in general:

Monica: I tried to be patient when people were sad or upset

Molly: I tried to include everyone, the little girls and the new girls in my cabin

Tori: By trying to be inclusive and friends with everyone

Isa: When I saw someone upset, I went to help them

Valentina: I lent things of mine even when I didn’t really want to

Caitlin: I included everyone and was friendly to everyone. I also helped other campers, and encouraged them, too.

How did others show kindness to you?

Monica: They taught me things and were patient when I wasn’t

Molly: Everyone encouraged me and cheered me on; they asked me if I was OK and lifted me up

Tori: By always being there for me and being my friend

Isa: They made me believe in myself when I thought I couldn’t do it

Valentina: By being nice to me

Caitlin: Talking to me, complimenting me on something and helping me when I needed it