Monthly Archives:January 2023
Winter Traditions Bring Memories of Summer (Featuring Tamarack)
The winter Holidays are a special time of year. You can’t help but find yourself full of joy, nostalgia, and self-reflection as the year comes to an end. Everyone has different traditions and favorite memories that help sculpt this wondrous time of year. Whether it’s baking, playing games, or enjoying the great outdoors, there is no shortage of fun to be had in the winter months.
For many of us, enjoying family holiday traditions can get us thinking about camp and the traditions we enjoy most with our friends in the summer. So much of what we enjoy doing with our camp friends and cabin mates reflects a tight knit community and parallels what we cherish most with our family.
Our camp community is unique in the way that everything we do intentionally builds strong relationships through shared experiences. We eat together, sleep together, cry, laugh and grow together. In an environment like that, it would be impossible NOT to develop strong bonds. One group of girls living their best lives as a family this summer were the girls of Tamarack. These energetic goofballs had lots of fun things to share from their summer.
What is something new that you learned about yourself at camp in 2022?
“That it is so fun to try something new.” – Eloise J.
“I can do a backbend now.” – Lia D.
“How to ride a horse because I used to be scary for me.” – Morgan B.
“Don’t try to be the exact same thing as everyone because It’s Cool To Be You in ’22!” – Aria C.
“That I could make lots of friends, I don’t need to be shy to meet new people, and I can be without my parents for 4 weeks :)” – Marina G.
In what ways did you GROW this summer?
“I grew in swimming by passing a level.” – Maggie T.
“I kept trying even when I didn’t understand English.” – Ana Roberta
“I rode a horse for the first time and at first I was scared, but now I really like it!” – Olivia H.
“Getting in the lake fast.” – Roberta K.
“This year I got to level 4 in swimming and got to 20 yards in archery.” – Masyn
“I tried skiing.” – Aria C.
In what ways did you feel part of your cabin and the camp COMMUNITY?
“I enjoyed getting to know my cabin and building relationships with them.” – Isa G. (Live-In CIT)
“My counselors made me feel included.” – Clara S.
“When I was sad my cabin tried to cheer me up and when others were sad I cheered them up.” – Eloise J.
“Cabin Night brought us together.” – Lia D.
“Karaoke brought us together.” – Morgan B.
“I worked through conflict and others built me up.” – Maggie T.
In what ways did you see RESPECT this summer?
“Everyone was including everyone and they had fun together.” – Marina G.
“In my activity areas and by my counselors.” – Ana Roberta
“When I did not know what to do my cabin mates helped me.” – Olivia H.
“Cheering for my cabin.” – Masyn
“I listen and was present to people who needed me and learned to embrace peoples differences.” – Isa G. (Live-In CIT)
Happy New Year from Sunnyside
New year, new you… and we will be Soaring Free in 2023! Camp is all about growth and becoming your best self through new experiences and building relationships that can’t be found anywhere else. The girls from Sunnyside showed tremendous growth knocking out personal goals all summer long and we can’t wait to see what they can achieve in summer ’23!
What is something new that you learned about yourself at camp in 2022?
“That every day I can learn new things and try my best.” – Luciana C.
“That I love being outside and having as much fun as I can at archery, riding, sailing, and all of my other activities.” – Katharine B
“I learned about how I love teaching and helping others.” – Tori N. (Live-In CIT)
“I learned about myself that when I want to pass a level or something I don’t give up and I keep trying until I do it, so I am very determined.” – Amalia L.
In what ways did you GROW this summer?
“If something doesn’t go right, try again! I learned something new every day and went out of my comfort zone.” – Olivia S.
“I tried archery again and I also passed my levels and got announced at assembly.” – Katie
“I learned how to slalom.” – Ivana R.
“This summer I tried many new things like cantering in riding and waterskiing. I passed levels and I have done things I would never normally do and I am proud of that.” – Sophie S.
“I went out of my comfort zone when I learned to ski.” – Isabel H.
In what ways did you feel part of your cabin and the camp COMMUNITY?
“I made a lot of new friends.” – Luciana C.
“When we got our birch necklaces at birthday or just simply carrying on simple camp traditions like singing after dinner.” – Katharine B.
“Cabin activities, camp games, meals, activities, canoe trip… These all helped me become closer with people.” – Olivia S.
“We worked together during cabin night and gave each other compliments.” – Katie
In what ways did you see RESPECT this summer?
“I saw girls in my cabin work hard to include others and make new girls feel welcome in the camp family.” – Tori N. (Live-In CIT)
“When people wouldn’t question my decisions, and when they congratulated all of my level passing, and just knowing they are all always there for you.” – Amalia L.
“In all activities if you do something good, everyone cheers you on and is happy for you. Everyone wants you to do your best.” – Sophie S.
“When I first came to camp this summer and was homesick my cabin was really kind.” – Isabel H.