Category: Alumni News

The Joy We’ve Had in Knowing You!

Posted by on March 23, 2018

Anne Jordan (1931-2018)

As many of you may remember, one of Anne’s special gifts was to write toasts for camp birthday honoring campers and staff reaching 5- and 10-year milestones and at banquet to recognize the growth that occurred and achievements made over the course of the summer. To pay tribute to a truly remarkable lady, we would like to celebrate Anne through a special toast.  We will miss you!

For some of the old timers, she was known as Commander Anne;

For all of us, there were no “I Can’ts”; it was only “I Can.”

Driving down the Woodland Road brings a smile to each and every one;

Mrs. J was loved by all for turning camp into a summer home.

Friends from around the globe she would welcome each June;

Washington Waddle and more, she could harmonize many a tune.

We will remember her infectious laugh and telling a joke or two;

She added much needed humor to carry us through.

For guiding campers and staff she was like no other.

We loved to see her dress up for the highly anticipated, “Mother, Mother.”

Cooking was a favorite, and Anne could do it well.

How many donuts or biscuits were downed, we will never tell.

She liked to visit activities, but at tennis she was an ace.

If it was TLC you needed, going to Mrs. J was always the right place.

Driving the golf cart around, Anne was certainly on the go.

She played the piano and accompanied songs for the co-ed show.

Through her music Anne was positive and upbeat;

At camp we like to stay on the “Sunny Side of the Street”.

For generations of girls, this strong woman helped find their happy;

Through Anne’s children and grandchildren, special it will always be.

A fond memory is hearing the wind blowing off Sand Lake creating a gentle breeze;

Linking hands right over left, Anne passed on the traditional friendship squeeze.

Each campfire lights anew, the flame of friendship true;

The joy we’ve had in knowing you, Mrs. J, will last our whole life through!

Translating Working at Camp to the Real World – Part 1

We have started a new format for connecting with staff this year and are holding monthly meetings via Zoom as a way to see each other (think mini-reunion!) and discuss pertinent topics of interest relating to camp.  Recently we asked 4 alums to join us and share their insight on how working as a counselor at Woodland or Towering Pines has benefited their career (and life!) success.  Let me just say that we were BLOWN AWAY by what our panelists shared – each person had very specific skills and experiences learned at camp that transferred to the ‘real world’, be it in the workplace or at home and raising a family.

Let me introduce you to Becky Coady Langton (on right in above photo), a former camper/staff member and now camp parent, who was one of two Camp Woodland representatives on the panel.  Becky was a camper for one year as a CIT in 1988 and worked several summers as a cabin counselor teaching gymnastics and anything that involved “jumping around.”  She is an exercise physiologist and currently works as an instructor in the Health and Fitness Science Division of Wake Tech Community College in Raleigh, North Carolina. Becky’s two kids, Sydney and Sam, attended camp for the first time this past summer!

Becky recalls gaining confidence and the ability to publicly speak as skill sets that were most developed during her time as a staff member.  She feels that this pushed her ahead of her peers, many of whom today have an intense fear of speaking in front of others.  Becky finds that having the ability to work with diverse experience and talent levels and massaging that atmosphere in way so that everyone is having fun (even if all you have is a paper bag!) were some of the biggest takeaways from her camp experience.  Camp certainly is the stage for learning how to make the best of every situation!

Becky teaches about the positive effects of exercise and a healthy lifestyle on longevity and chronic disease prevention.  One of the things that speaks to Becky the most about her experience at camp is being active and always doing something.  In the health world, physical activity rounds out and provides balance along with the emotional, social, environmental, intellectual, spiritual, financial and occupational dimensions of the wellness model.  Becky allows how all of these areas melded together describe the camp experience on steroids!  She attributes being at camp on her own without her tribe and THRIVING was a catalyst for her to seek out a career in health science and promotion.  So cool!

When talking about different aspects of applying for a job, Becky reminded us how important the first phone call can be because this is when the applicant has the opportunity to engage in a conversation with a potential employer and share about themselves.  According to Becky, the candidates who do this best find their voice, find their WHY and know in their gut what they want to do and are connected to it.  Being able to then verbalize who they are in a way so that the person conducting the interview can FEEL the energy and passion is what helps a person stand out from the masses of job candidates.  Becky believes the “amazingness” within each person that fuels this energy and passion grows at camp.  Being leaders of crazy and fun and being children ourselves as camp counselors fosters that amazingness!  So true!

Becky also pointed out how being able to communicate well verbally, utilize active listening and motivational interviewing, and understand nuances such as making eye contact and offering a firm handshake count as social collateral in a world where people are lacking in these areas.  This is another chance for job applicants with work experience at camp to shine because face-to-face interactions and being unplugged are the norm and not the exception.  Working at camp nourishes the exact skills that make for a strong candidate in just about any career field!

Next up – meet Rachel Davidson in Part 2 of how working at camp translates to the real world!

Why I Choose Woodland!

Posted by on April 21, 2017

Waterfront Director 1987-1997

Because I moved on from Woodland/Towering Pines after a 12-year stint as counselor, program director, waterfront director, and eventually assistant director, and then returned after a 14 year hiatus, I am often asked by fellow alumni why I chose to come back.  In the time I was away, I was the associate director at a much larger all-girls camp in the mountains of Western North Carolina full-time for 8 years. There are 60+ camps in three neighboring counties in that part of the US alone!

  Tamarack Cabin Counselor 1986-1991

A little over 10 years ago, I started my own camp consulting business and present at multiple camp and youth development conferences every year and work with camps to provide top-notch staff training and programming experiences.  I have been back at Woodland/Towering Pines every summer since 2011 spending a month sleeping on a top bunk and being truly immersed in camp life.  I can’t imagine being anywhere else!

  Lena’s Helper with 1989 Birthday Cake

I have worked with and been to many different camps (100+) since my career path took me in another direction in 1997.  This includes single sex, co-ed, for-profit, not-for-profit, agency, religiously affiliated, specialty, traditional, all sizes, various geographic locations and a few other qualifiers that I’m sure I am leaving off the list.  Coming back to Woodland/Towering Pines was choice I made because of how strongly I believe the the experience both camps have to offer kids today who need camp now more than ever!  While there are many great camps out there, I would have no hesitation choosing Woodland and Towering Pines for the following reasons:

 Fair Day sign still in tact 30 years later!

Size: Small & personalized. Every staff member (including the directors) knows every camper!   Campers know each other (younger and older) and that truly makes us a camp FAMILY.

Purposeful Play/Creativity: We are technology free! We focus on what really matters – growth as individuals and as a group.   Through purposeful and “unplugged” play, kids use their imagination and creativity to make their own fun.

Program Philosophy: Our 2-week themes of ACCLIMATE – ACCELERATE – CELEBRATE provide a framework for campers to thrive and grow. Mr. Jordan (founder & 5th grade teacher for 30 years) knew what he was doing when he created the mix of activities and the flow of the summer.

Staff: The owners/directors really know the staff because the majority have been campers themselves and have come up through our Counselor-In-Training leadership program. Staff training is on-going and includes a week prior to camper arrival.  We take our work seriously!

Length: Kids need the opportunity to work through their differences and face challenges!  The real value of camp plays out AFTER the first two weeks of experience. The 6 Week Advantage and time spent “all in” is the reason the end is so fun and impactful.

Diversity: Campers experience a variety of cultures and make new friends from all around the US and world. Camp is a great equalizer!

Level of Competition: There is healthy competition at appropriate times in the summer with a focus on sportsmanship and teamwork. Everybody plays!

Consistency: This is a hard one to explain, but I feel that it is important to “walk the talk” by being true to what is portrayed in marketing efforts and then staying congruent with that message throughout the entire camp experience.  What you see is what you get at Woodland/TP!

Food: Meals are mostly made from scratch (very little processed food) with healthy options available during snack times.  Plus, the time spent eating 3-meals together contributes greatly to the feeling of being family!

Price: “All-inclusive” (no extra fees) and competitive with other camps our size and duration. It’s hard to put a price tag on a quality experience!

So, there you have it…some of the reasons why I truly believe the camp experience that Woodland and Towering Pines provides to kids is exactly what they need for each unique stage of development.  And, that is coming from someone who lives, sleeps, eats, breathes, and LOVES camp every single day!   I look forward to seeing you and your camper this summer!

You Are Not Alone! There are MILLIONS of camp parents…

Posted by on June 28, 2016
Alum Moms Send Daughters to Woodland!
(Rachel & Tess, Susan & Maya, Liz & Molly, Emy & Viv)
As the 2016 camp season begins, I have to say that it is SO cool that campers of mine from 30ish years ago are sending their daughters to camp for the very first time (far left and right in photo above)!  In communicating with these alum Moms via email, they shared with me that they were unprepared for the mixed feelings they would have during the drop-off process this past weekend.  Both admitted to tearing up even though they know that camp is such a good thing for their girls.  I assured them that it is almost always hardest on the parents (of course!).  And, I’m fairly certain that their parents felt the very same way in summers past when they said their own good-byes!
 Woodland welcomes new campers!
The first weekend is packed full of action and fun, but there is nothing like the first day of activities to help campers feel like they are settling into the flow of camp.  By mid-week your daughters will be pros with the routines of the camp day.  They will anticipate the ring of the Woodland bell to signal moving from one exciting activity to another.  They will know all about “hopping” and the “job wheel” and will have had enjoyed getting “canteen” in the afternoons at the end of Rec Swim or Sailing.  They will have joined in signing the “Ship Titanic” and the “Woodland Song” after dinner.
Campers give log-rolling a try!
Monday night is cabin night, so that time is good for continuing the process of cabin unity and bonding and making camp feel more like “home”.  Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday are evening activities (always fun choices!), and Wednesday is Campfire Night where your camper will be working with her cabin to prepare a song or skit (and write that first “official” letter home!).  The first week will FLY BY in no time!
Sand Lake is oh-so refreshing!
In the words of another former camper of mine (Alice Lurain) – YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  There are MILLIONS of parents (just like you!) who have mixed emotions on Opening Weekend!  Many parents shed tears this weekend and felt their heartstrings pull tight after giving one last hug.  We know that you love your daughters very much and that you will miss them while they are with us!  Thank you for giving them the gift of camp!
p.s. Here are more Alum Mother-Daughter photos…a big shout out to those who were unable to be photographed this weekend!  We hope to feature you in another post!
 Judy & Lou
Angie & Emilie
Sam & Renee

A Priceless Gift To Give My Daughter

It happened again. You know the look. You know the comments. And this time it was from another mom who I respect, has a great attitude, and is raising wonderful children. My daughter, Maya, and I were talking with a friend and her daughter about Maya’s summer camp experience at Woodland.

Maya: “…And next summer I want to go back for six weeks.”

Other mom gasps loudly: “I would never let you go for that long, Sweetie!” (hugging her daughter tightly)

Other mom’s daughter: “I would never want to go for that long, Mom.” (hugging back and smiling)


Okay, I know the drill. I went to Woodland for eight weeks when I was nine. I went for ten summers after that for eight weeks. There was never a two week or four week session when I attended. There was a reason for the long session. The same magic in terms of growth, confidence, and perseverance just can’t happen in two weeks. I remember Anne Jordan explaining it to me when I was a counselor during pre-camp. The same way she explained to me when I was a camper that if she let me call my mom during camp not only would I not feel better, I would feel worse. She was right on both accounts.


Now, as a mother who has experienced the loss of a child, I don’t think I would have sent my daughter if Woodland did not have a two week session. I am grateful for the shortened option because now both Maya and I will be better prepared for the separation next summer.

So, what to do about these parents who would “never” let their daughters go to camp for so long? The ones who tell me they love their daughters too much to let them go. Do they understand they are implying I do not love my child? Some seem to think we are somehow damaging our children by sending them away from us for several weeks.


I know the best response to this is to dismiss it and not care what anyone else thinks. Most of the time I can remember what camp did for me, and let go. Every once in a while, though, I start to question my choice. I am “losing” all this time I could have with my daughter. How can I send her away and let other people take care of her for so long? Will she be okay? Will she get hurt? Will she feel alone when I am not there for her?

All these questions bring me back to three things: my own practical life experience at camp, inner strength, and faith.

Silver Birch Maya

I know the gifts camp gave me: confidence in myself in areas other than sports, meaningful and deep lifetime friendships, LOTS of time in nature, and exposure to activities I would not have had at home. Why wouldn’t I want to give this to my daughter?

Knowing how it enriched my life, how could I not let her go? When I am clear about this, I know it truly is a priceless gift to give my daughter. But our society and culture seem so different now than when I was a child. The parenting is different, the activity level is different, and what our children are exposed to is different. It seems to me that it takes more than the knowledge that extended overnight camp is a valuable experience in order to take the plunge. It takes inner strength and faith.


It takes the strength to dismiss the other parents’ reactions – respecting what they need to do in their own families -while calling upon the gifts I received from attending camp. It takes the faith that my daughter will be taken care of well. It will be different from how she is taken care of at home, and this is okay, even good. She will have camp sisters to help her through the hard times. It takes faith (still working on this one) to know if I don’t get a call home from JoAnne, everything is fine. It might not be perfect, but it is fine.


Let’s face it: Six weeks can be a long time to be separated from our children. I am relatively certain Maya did better in the two weeks we were away from each other than I did. Seeing her again, and having her home again is wonderful. Even in the short time of two weeks I noticed subtle changes; growth that I’m pretty sure would not have occurred for her if she was at home attending a day camp.

If you’re reading this, you already understand the gift of extended overnight camp for your daughter. But for anyone who still has insecurity or doubts when other parents’ comments come your way, just know you are not alone. We are in this together. And that is just one more gift Camp Woodland gives us all.

by Susan Austin Short, Woodland Alum and Parent

Maya and Regina