Category: Archives

Posted by on July 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Today my cabin mate, Amanda, awakened me early and shivering. I went back to sleep only to have Leah wake me up again. I got out of bed and went up to Hilltop looking for Fer because she was hostess, who later choose Emma as camper of the day. Then at assembly Sunnyside got to put the flag up because their cabin was very clean. Then I headed to the office to sort some stuff and send some Bunk Notes. I also realized that letters home take about three days to collect, as I went on the hunt during rest hour on the search for the Silver Birch’s letters, most of them were good at doing them. Then during my ski help I got in the water during 5th period because Kaitlyn and Grace W. and Grace C. wanted to ski and knee board but I was really of no use because they were all pros. Then for canteen all the girls were claiming that people said they could have double canteen… Regina. After serving, Joanna and I still in the canteen house awaited more campers when my butt started dripping on my legs and it began to become uncomfortable. Then Ria came to the window and I asked her if she liked her counselor and then turned and dashed off which was pretty funny. Then I had my hour off which was good, then assembly and dinner. Evening activity was really fun, I played volleyball and Sam and Grace were the best ball girls I’ve ever seen. Then CIT hour and slept, so overall a good day.

Signing off – Suze Cruze

P.S. Hello Lindsey Lee Mopet

Posted by on July 3, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dear OD Log,

First day of activities yeiii… Today I woke up at 6:30 because my cabin decided to go on a run at that hour, so I stayed in bed for 1 hour and then I went to ring the bell and went to Starshine to wake up Jenny. I wanted to back to bed but we are hoppers so I couldn’t During assembly Carolyn got camper of the day. First I did cabin inspection with Wendy and then I got to do counselor’s profiles and send all the letters home, which I had to re-address because some campers didn’t know how to address their letters. Then we had lunch and a quiet rest-hour, which I enjoyed a lot. Then ski help!!!! Wuuu… It was actually really fun; I got to talk to my friend, Grace W. I did canteen and everything worked out perfect. And it got more than perfect in my hour off in which I took a really hot shower and slept like a baby. Can’t wait to be OD again!

-The W2 (Shants)


Posted by on July 3, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dear OD Log,

As another summer begins I remember how ridiculously fun being OD is. Jamie woke me up at the crack of dawn to begin the new day, but I accidentally forgot that OD has the enjoyable job of ringing the wake up bell and waking up the hostess. As the morning began, Suzanne gave Caroline camper of the day, GOOD JOB CAROLINE! To start off the day, everyone began activity rotations. I know everyone is excited for the new bunnies. And that new game everyone is raving about, Quotation Fugation? What kind of name is that? Walking around looking for people has nothing to do with a quotation. But I guess it looks pretty fun. It was weird how during Alien Invasion it randomly started pouring. Those Hilltop girls sure looked crazy. Everyone did a great job of singing; I could hear it all the way down at the beach. I looked pretty weird sitting behind the canoes by myself reading when the boaters came by. It’s pretty sad that a 10 year old can run faster than me. And then there was the counselor campfire. Don’t worry Lisa, if I was a TP boy I would’ve totally gone for you! Well that’s all for now, see you next time Camp Woodland!


Posted by on July 2, 2010

Cher OD BLog,

Hé oui, un petit mot de français de la part de la CIT française de Woodland. Etre OD ( Officier du Jour ) environ une fois toute les 2 semaines fait partie des responsabilités d un CIT. C est une journée un peu spéciale où on ne participe pas aux activités. Il faut tout d’abord se lever à 7h30 pour aller sonner la cloche qui réveille le camp puis s assurer que la cabine chargée se dresser la table est bien éveillée- c’est parfois dur ! – Après le petit-déjeuner, il y a l Assemblée, que l OD est chargée de diriger. Cette cérémonie a pour but de partager des annonces concernant la vie du camp et bien sûr de monter le drapeau américain ( le dimanche, les citoyens américains prêtent allégeance au drapeau). À 9 heures, l OD se dirige vers le bureau et est chargée de divers petits travaux : trier le courrier, passer des commandes, passer l aspirateur dans le réfectoire, arroser des plantes ou organiser les événement spéciaux qui ont lieu assez fréquemment au camp. La matinée est donc assez bien chargée. L après-midi, après l’heure de repos, il faut se diriger vers le Waterfront au bord du lac pour aider les campeurs voulant faire du ski nautique, puis a la fin de l heure, ouvrir la cantine et vendre des sucreries. Enfin, la meilleure partie de la journée arrive, la 6e période, l heure libre, ou on peut profiter d’avoir la cabine pour soi ou tout simplement se reposer sur la plage.

Lors de ma dernière journée, j’ai dû préparer la ‘Woodland fair’, qui est ne sorte de fête foraine. Les campeurs du camp des garçons TP viennent a Woodland pour labres midi. Il y a différents stands, comme jeu de fléchettes, popcorn… c’est très amusant.

Dans les dernières nouvelles du camp on peut aussi les jeux Olympiques : nous sommes divises en 3 équipes et chaque membre de l’équipe doit s’inscrire a différents concours comme natation ou course… À la fin de la journée, on a les résultats par un feu de camp.

Au revoir et venez nombreux a Woodland c’est génial,



Posted by on June 28, 2010

THE CAMPERS ARE HERE!!! Summer 2010 started off with a little bit of Woodland Dew but the campers have been enthusiastic and ready for fun! Yesterday we played a game of “Alien Invasion” hosted by the CIT’s and watched last year’s Camp Reunion video. Then we enjoyed picnic and the counselor-hosted Campfire. It was a BLAST! The first day was a complete success and a great start to the summer!