Camp Woodland Blog
Get Ready . . . Get Set . . . Go!!!
To the place where everybody knows your name. Just think of all the awesomely amazing, terrifically triumphant, fabulously fantastic, super-spectacular & stupendous things you can do at camp this summer . . . Whether this is your first summer at Woodland or your fifth, you can look forward to the friends and fun that make Woodland #1 for YOU!
GET READY . . . . !
Order your Woodland sportswear from the Cloz Company on line
Sew your Woodland patch on that awesome Woodland windbreaker and remember to leave room for the awards you’re sure to receive in the Time to Create Summer of 2008. Be proud of your achievements. Going to camp will be the start of something BIG!
GET SET . . . . !
Start planning your summer activities with your parents by filling out your activity card and sending it in today. You may change your mind by the time you get to camp, but send the card in now because we use it to place you in a cabin. Be sure to include any special requests. Then use the outfit list as a reminder of what to bring and – Pack Those Duffels!
The medical form will be sent to your parents. We will need this returned to us before you come to camp so get set with an appointment with your doctor!
GO . . . . !
Hop on the plane, camp bus or in the car and bid farewell to those who don’t get to go to Woodland this summer. Your parents will have the Resort List so that they can make plans to visit you. Remember . . . the final weekend of camp includes special demonstrations (Horse Show, Water Show and a special lunch for parents) and is a lot of fun. We will be sending invitations from camp also. Of course, they can visit any time after the first two weeks so that you can “show off” all the things you have been doing.
WELCOME TO THE CLUB! ! ! ! You are a lifetime member after your very first summer at camp. We think everyone at Woodland is extra special! We want to give a warm welcome to all first-year campers and think you will have a great summer ! We are always looking for new members, so if any of you have friends who want to come to Woodland let us know and we will see if we can squeeze them in this summer!
Congratulations to those who will receive their 5 year sterling silver pendant . . . Molly, Bobby & Courtney