Camp Woodland Blog
Happy April from Hilltop!
Let’s hear what the gals from Hilltop have to say about the summer of 2017 (I wonder which of these girls will be CIT’s in 2018?!):
What was the highlight of your summer?
Natalia: I think that the best that I did was trust myself and have a good attitude.
Izzi: Being in the best cabin!
Irene: The first time my cabin really bonded together by playing cards.
Adri: My friends and my achievements.
Abbey: Passing levels 4 and 5 in swimming.
Valeria: Being able to be with other people in the cabin than last year and to get to know them.
Veronica: It was a AWESOME summer – I had so much fun with my friends and in all my activities.
Sofi (CIT): I passed to 50 yds in archery and all of the good memories from being a live-in.
What were some ways you enjoyed just being a kid and getting to play at camp?
Natalia: When we played Cortation Fugation.
Izzi: I got to enjoy my last summer as a camper by taking risks and trying new things!
Irene: I got to unplug and I didn’t have tons of responsibility.
Adri: I got to enjoy my summer by playing fun games and trying to achieve my goals.
Abbey: Evening activity with my cabin and Rec Swim.
Valeria: Playing Spoon Assassins, canoe trips, having canteen, being in Olympics and being in competitions and exchanges.
Veronica: Just being at camp!
Sofi (CIT): Being silly with my friends and cabin.
What is an achievement for which you were most proud?
Natalia: That I won in the advanced riflery competition.
Izzi: Passing my advanced canoeing and getting to 30 yards in archery and getting to go to an exchange.
Irene: I am most proud of all the levels I passed in my activities.
Adri: I’m proud for at least going for my Skipper and advanced water-skiing.
Abbey: Being in sail race, passing levels, skiing for the first time.
Valeria: Passing my levels in archery, riflery, tennis and sailing. I also became a better person and friend.
Veronica: I passed my levels in riflery and had an amazing cabin!
Sofi (CIT): Passing to 50 yds in archery!
What is something you learned about yourself this summer?
Natalia: That I can be myself and be the best version of me.
Izzi: I learned how to unplug and that I am more patient than I thought!
Irene: How to be positive most of the time.
Adri: I learned that if you keep a positive attitude, everything is better.
Abbey: Nothing is impossible unless I try.
Valeria: To think first about other people over your self and that I can do whatever I propose myself to do.
Veronica: Always be yourself and be happy.
Sofi (CIT): To always be super energetic!