Camp Woodland Blog
Happy National Croc Day from Sunrise!
In honor of National Croc Day (October 23rd) we would like to show some love for our favorite camp footwear. Who would have thought that colored plastic laced with holes would be part of the camp ‘uniform’ at Woodland?! By looking at the shoes left on every cabin porch and on feet of all sizes and shapes, it is obvious the Woodland campers love their Crocs! While Crocs are not officially on the packing list, it is definitely something we tell new campers about so they can be part of the Camp Croc Craze.
Crocs are comfy (check out the cushion), practical (they make great shower or lake shoes), stylish (sort of – they do come in a variety of fun colors even though they tend to exaggerate a person’s normal shoe size), warm (if you add socks), and are virtually indestructible (I have been wearing the same blue crocs since 8th grade, and I am happy to report that they have survived about 15 summers at camp!).
You may also notice in the above photo that Crocs can be personalized with fun Jibbitz shapes and characters that can be inserted into the holes. Maybe they are more waterproof this way for when we have a little Woodland Dew?!
The girls of Sunrise are strong supporters of the croc trend, so I thought it fitting to share a little more insight into their 2022 camp experience:
What is something new that you learned about yourself at camp in 2022?
“I learned to try new foods because I might end up liking it.” – Eleanor S.
“I learned how to do a belly flop!” – Maria A.
In what ways did you GROW this summer?
“I kept trying to pass my level in swim lessons.” – JoJo T.
“I tried again in olympics” – Alegra C.
“I ate the broccoli even when I didn’t want to.” – Olivia K.
In what ways did you feel part of your cabin and the camp COMMUNITY?
“I felt a part of my cabin because all of my cabinmates respect me and my background.” – JoJo T.
“I was included in games with my cabinmates” – Alegra C.
In what ways did you see RESPECT this summer?
“My cabinmates and I always apologize to each other and ehlp each other out.” – Olivia K.
“My cabinmates respected me by teaching me spanish because I don’t know it and wanted to learn and be included.” – Eleanor S.