Camp Woodland Blog
Please Don’t Pack My Phone When I Leave For Camp!
Dear Mom,
I know you have mixed feelings about me not bringing my cell phone to camp. You are used to communicating with me multiple times a day and getting messages that I forgot my lunch, soccer practice is running late, or that I have a math test tomorrow. I’m sure it will feel strange not texting or calling while I am away.
Here are a few reasons why it is good for me to “unplug” while I am camp even though I am in constant contact with you when I am home:
1) It is hard to be 2 places at once! If I am checking in with you all of the time, then I am not getting to fully enjoy camp. I will miss out on making friends, settling into my cabin, and all of the exciting activities the counselors have planned for me!
2) It is important for me to learn to trust other caring adults. This emerging independence is one of the greatest benefits of camp! There are great people whom I can reach out to, whether it is my cabin counselor, one of my activity instructors, the camp nurse, or the camp director. They are good at what they do, and I trust that they will help me adjust to camp life!
3) While I’m at camp I don’t want to be second guessing myself by having the ability to ask you to decide things for me. I can do this!!! It is important for me to grow and learn, little by little, to solve some of my own challenges. This is how I will develop greater resilience. I’m sure the counselors will remind me to put on my bug spray and sunscreen, brush my teeth and change my underwear ;-). Don’t worry, they will contact you should an emergency arise.
4) I want to go all in! I’m going to start the summer on the right foot by being honest with my counselors and myself. Some campers wind up with a phone anyway even though they aren’t supposed to have one. It is really embarrassing for them when the counselor finds out. I heard some older campers bring two phones so they can turn one in; the “real” is hidden inside a stuffed animal, a book, or even a box of Kleenex. Can you believe it?!
So, when you get the packing list and cell phones are on the list of things NOT to bring to camp, please don’t pack mine. It will be hard for both of us at first to disconnect in this way, but I will tell you all about my experience when I get home and meanwhile, you can count on camp to post photos to show you what we are doing. I promise to write letters/Bunk Notes to keep you updated on all of the fun I am having at camp!
Thank you in advance for helping me “unplug” this summer!
A Very Excited Woodland Camper