Camp Woodland Blog
Treetops is ready for camp!
This is the last of the “Best Moments” from 2016 – thanks, Treetops, for reminding us to pack our sunscreen, bug spray, water bottle, sunglasses, and Crazy Creek so that we are ready for camp to begin in a few short weeks! We are VERY excited to see what new memories, achievements, and growth “Create Your Own Scene in ’17” will bring!
What is one moment at camp you will never forget:
Eleanora: When I met my new friends.
Ava: When I met so many people my age and older and when I did new things.
Lilah: My cabin friends!
Lizzy: Song Contest is a moment I will never forget because we worked so hard on it with the props, the dance, and the song.
Brooke: Doing the activities (gymnastics, riding, swimming, archery, dance, rec swim)
Lou: I will never forget the day I passed out of level 4 swimming.
Dani: Winning Song Contest!
Maya: When my riding class trotted – the counselors said it was awesome!
What is something adventurous you did this summer:
Eleanora: I went on a canoe trip.
Ava: I went camping in the wilderness for the first time. I tried many new things, including the Big Banana.
Lilah: I rode a horse bareback.
Lizzy: Trying something new and going out of my comfort zone.
Brooke: Going on trail rides.
Lou: I went to the bog for nature week.
Dani: Going on our cabin canoe trip and sleeping in a tent in the forest.
Maya: I trotted by myself. I was scared at first, but then it was fun.
What is an achievement for which you are most proud:
Eleanora: I passed Promarksman in riflery.
Ava: Passing level 4 in swimming, trotting in riding, passing Promarksman in riflery, shooting 20 yards in archery, and getting my back handspring!
Lilah: I learned how to do a kneeling dive.
Lizzy: Competing in an individual event in the Olympics.
Brooke: Doing a front and back walkover in gymnastics.
Lou: Passing my Black Archer and trying gymnastics.
Dani: Being in Level 4 in swimming, and being pretty good at tennis, gymnastics, riding, and riflery.
Maya: I tried 5 new things this summer: dance, drama, canoeing, art, and archery.
What is something you learned about yourself:
Eleanora: That camp is not scary!
Ava: I am a leader and a hard worker. I also have a sense of fun and adventure.
Lilah: I really like archery!
Lizzy: I learned that if I put my mind to something, I can do anything!
Brooke: I am really quiet every day.
Lou: I learned that I am really funny! I love myself, and I can do anything if I try my best!
Dani: Don’t say “I Can’t” and never give up.
Maya: I am beautiful inside and out, and I should not judge myself.