Monthly Archives:July 2008
July 23 OD Blog
Dear OD Blog, July 23, 2008
After waking up the hostess this morning I went back to sleep for about a minute before Lucy made me get out of bed. At breakfast I realized that I was hopper as well. Hopper and O.D on the same day, pretty tiring. In the morning I helped get ready for camp birthday, cant wait! JoAnne let me go to sail race because so many girls were on EN and they needed me there. I sorted mail and Marichu, that is the biggest package of food I have ever seen! After lunch I vacuumed the C.C and then observed my cabin. Love ya starshine! Ski help was fun and the girls really love tubing, but I was definitely excited to have my hour off. I needed a shower, I was starting to smell.
‘Til next time,
Bobby Booshea
P.S “It’s Herbal so you know it’s good”
July 24 OD Blog
Dear Blog, July 24, 2008
Wow, it still amazes me how much louder the bell is at 7:30 in the morning. Amanda was awarded camper of the day at assembly and then I was off to sort letters from campfire the night before. There sure were lots! After I helped J* with co-ed show (get excited) I went to ski help. Congrats to Kate for getting up on the kneeboard. I then handed out canteen and enjoyed watching Logan and Fiona crawl around on the beach barking like dogs. Unfortunately I had to share my hour off with Emily and Ada but it was ok because I got first shower ☺.
Signing off forever tear,
Chortle meister
P.S I hate feet
July 22 OD Blog
Dear OD Blog, July 22, 2008
I woke up thinking it was a Sunday and not wanting to get out of bed. Thanks to Trina, I rang the bell at the right time. Anyway I did inspection and wow, Tamarack is one clean cabin. I also got to clean the lodge, Woo Hoo! During rest hour I filled the canteen so that everyone would have some tasty treats waiting for then after rec. swim. Congrats to all the girls who got up on skis. I tried skiing and surprisingly got up and around the lake. Finally my hour off where I took a nice long shower and got squeaky clean. OD was a blast!
Signing off,
P.S I miss you EN girls. Don’t get too burnt that’s how I got my nickname
July 21 OD Blog
Dear OD Blog, July 21, 2008
My second day of being OD was a lot of fun. I woke at 7:30 like always so that I could ring the bell. I did the usual odd jobs like sorting mail and sweep the lodge. I used a vacuum that must be about 100 years old, but hey I love those special treasures you find around Camp Woodland. I helped Hope with her fingers, I hope they feel better. I got to do ski help which was a lot of fun, but we had to get out because it started to rain, not quite. At woodland all we ever see is Woodland Dew. I got my hour off, and it was a great day being OD. Can’t wait until next time.
Until next time,
Apple Bottom
July 20 OD Blog
Dear OD Blog, July 20, 2008
OH BOY! OD Again…not only was I OD but I was hostess too! After a super vespers I did OD duties like cleaning the lodge then mail and such. Then I had some one on one bonding time with Joanne helping with the website and Co-Ed show. Oh yeah…then we had a good ol’ GOLD RUSH! Very eventful..Sunrise won! Nice nice.. after rec swim was picnic and MOVIE! We watched Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Man is that so true, so so true. After all, we girls are here at camp to have some F-U-N…FUN! It was Lauren’s favorite movie, and she knew all the words and the songs too! Well that’s it, until next time.
Big Slice: Sail Goddess