Category: Everything Clicks in 1-6!

There is a Difference…

Posted by on July 30, 2016

There is a Difference. . .

Between playing Pokemon Go and searching for the “Mother Lode” on Gold Rush Day with your cabin.  Teamwork and persistence are key to gathering clues and puzzling out the location of the infamous gold rock.

Gold Rush

There is a Difference. . .

Between listening to your iPod and hearing the sounds of birds singing a wake-up tune, waves splashing on the shores of Sand Lake, wind whistling through the tall pine trees, halyards chiming on sailboat masts, and the echo of campers laughing.


There is a Difference. . .

Between grabbing food on the go and spending time with your cabin family sharing a meal 3 times a day.  The conversations that happen daily around the table are instrumental to cabin bonding and friendships.


There is a Difference. . .

Between watching a video on YouTube and seeing live performances of the annual Lip Sync, Song, and Ugly Counselor Contests and the end of session drama, dance and gymnastics shows.  There is no substitute for seeing the culmination of learning new skills, tireless rehearsing, and celebrating a job well done.


There is a Difference. . .

Between having a conversation on Snap Chat or other Social Media and a face-to-face “real-time” exchange with a cabin mate or camp friend.  Being able to see facial expression, read body language and interpret emotion are pivotal to understanding the intricacies of social interaction.


There is a Difference. . .

Between viewing photos on a screen and seeing nature’s splendor growing on the side of a tree by Silver Birch cabin, bald eagles flying overhead while sailing, loons swimming on the lake during canoe class, the sun setting from your campsite, and deer bounding through the Climax Forest while on a trail ride.


The Difference is pretty clear to me. . .a summer at Woodland makes all the difference in the world!

Eye of the Fun Storm: From Accelerate to Celebrate

Posted by on July 23, 2016
Happy 47th Birthday Camp Woodland!
Today (Saturday) marks the end of the 4th week of camp, and as Woodland alum, Athena K, so eloquently stated several years ago, this weekend is the “eye of the fun storm”.  Yesterday was Camp Birthday and tomorrow is TP Fair, and so today is sandwiched in between two extremely FUN and highly anticipated camp traditions (hence the appropriateness of the phrase “the eye of the fun storm”).
Day lilies arrive like clockwork in time
to celebrate Camp Birthday!
Gymnastics, dance, and drama classes will be performing for the entire camp and visiting parents this weekend.  The girls in gymnastics will demonstrate their perfected skills through floor, beam and bar routines.  Fourth and sixth hour dance classes are ready to showcase their moves to upbeat music.  The grand finale of the evening will be the brightly costumed Woodland Player’s rendition of “Aladdin.”
 Gymnastics class is stretching & getting ready 
tonight’s performance and demonstration
 We are also transitioning from “Accelerate to Celebrate” as we get ready to begin the final two weeks of the summer.  The girls have been at camp for a month now, and they are seeing the results of their efforts and persistence in activities.  This is evident in the NUMEROUS announcements made by counselors at our daily evening assembly celebrating campers’ many achievements.  Woodland girls are passing levels in archery, riflery, and swimming, gaining proficiency on the kneeboard, wakeboard or skis during Rec Swim, trotting and/or cantering in riding, sailing off a mooring or canoeing solo,…you name it…campers are doing it and we are celebrating it!

Silver Birch is ready to play birthday games!

Camp is a BLAST during the last two weeks because of the effort poured into the weeks preceding it. Friendships are closer, confidence is stronger, and experiences are unforgettable. New abilities and perfected skills, honed over an extended period of time, become manifest. Campers can’t help but to stand a little taller!  We are looking forward to celebrating both individual and group success in the days to come.  There is still MORE SUMMER TO GO!

Step On The Gas As We Go From Acclimate to Accelerate

Posted by on July 12, 2016


After establishing our rhythm in the first two weeks of camp, we can push a little harder on the gas pedal and see what adventures await us during weeks 3 and 4. Some campers have decided to challenge themselves with a new activity (or two) while others strive for greater mastery in favorite activities.

Riflery Target

It was SO EXCITING yesterday at assembly to hear all of the announcements of campers passing levels, staying up on skis in choppy water, making a mooring for the first time, learning to canter, mastering a skill in gymnastics, or earning a qualifier in archery. Campers start to EXPLODE with accomplishments during the next 2 weeks – it is fun to watch them BURST with confidence like never before!


Having been together for a while, cabin groups usually discover that not everyone agrees all of the time. We embrace this opportunity for the real work of camp to begin! Several cabins will go on a canoe trip for a fun bonding experience and a change of routine. There is something about paddling to a destination, cooking over a fire, and sleeping in a tent that provides an opportunity for campers to connect in a way that is different from being at “home” in the cabin.

Canoe Trip

Song Contest is a highlight of this 2-week period. With the support of the counselors, groups come together and appreciate each other’s unique gifts and strengths. I am always amazed at what cabins can do when they put their heads together, change the words to a song, add in some creative dance moves, and practice for an all-camp performance. Behind the smiling faces during show time is the teamwork, negotiation, compromise, and problem-solving that went into accomplishing a common goal.

Lip Sync

The 4th of July is a Family Tradition

Posted by on July 5, 2016


With the 4th of July holiday this week, it is often a time of celebration, family gatherings and traditions.   At camp, it is no different!  Woodland has its own 4th of July traditions including the annual campfire at Towering Pines that marks the first of several joint-camp events where brothers at Towering Pines and sisters at Woodland are reunited.  I was telling my sister that for my niece and nephew who are at camp this summer, this may a first in their sibling relationship when they are actually excited to see each other (let’s just say that they don’t always get along when they are at home)!


Emilie and Isaac (sibling love for my niece and nephew)

The 4th of July traditions that have been passed down through the past 45+ years are part of camp history.  Campers at Woodland wake-up to the sound of horses through the cabin area and riding staff shouting  that the “British are coming” instead of the usual bell tolling at 7:30 am.  The lodge is decked out in “red-white-and-blue” decorations that a CIT on duty put up to make a festive dining experience.  Campers and counselors alike wear various patriotic clothing combinations of their own to contribute to the holiday celebration.


Lourdes and Ray

Activities continue as normal throughout the day; however, the hype for the evening’s “Red, White, and BOOM” campfire at Towering Pines builds as campers negotiate the shower schedule to be sure everyone is squeaky clean and has time for proper primping before donning their Woodland Wear to get on the shuttle to drive the 2.5 miles to the boys camp.


Parker and Tanner

For campers who do not have a sibling at Towering Pines, there is always the opportunity to meet a camp “brother” from a cabin of similar age.  Each cabin from both camps takes part in the annual 4th of July campfire entertainment and performs a skit or song.  Woodland “sisters” and Towering Pines “brothers” stick together during the campfire and cheer each other on through the various performances.  As you can see, we are one big, happy family!


Annual 4th of July campfire at Towering Pines

Thanks to our brother camp, Towering Pines, for hosting another FANTASTIC 4th of July EXTRAVAGANZA…we will see you soon for TP Fair (4th Sunday) and Woodland Fair (5th Sunday)!

You Are Not Alone! There are MILLIONS of camp parents…

Posted by on June 28, 2016
Alum Moms Send Daughters to Woodland!
(Rachel & Tess, Susan & Maya, Liz & Molly, Emy & Viv)
As the 2016 camp season begins, I have to say that it is SO cool that campers of mine from 30ish years ago are sending their daughters to camp for the very first time (far left and right in photo above)!  In communicating with these alum Moms via email, they shared with me that they were unprepared for the mixed feelings they would have during the drop-off process this past weekend.  Both admitted to tearing up even though they know that camp is such a good thing for their girls.  I assured them that it is almost always hardest on the parents (of course!).  And, I’m fairly certain that their parents felt the very same way in summers past when they said their own good-byes!
 Woodland welcomes new campers!
The first weekend is packed full of action and fun, but there is nothing like the first day of activities to help campers feel like they are settling into the flow of camp.  By mid-week your daughters will be pros with the routines of the camp day.  They will anticipate the ring of the Woodland bell to signal moving from one exciting activity to another.  They will know all about “hopping” and the “job wheel” and will have had enjoyed getting “canteen” in the afternoons at the end of Rec Swim or Sailing.  They will have joined in signing the “Ship Titanic” and the “Woodland Song” after dinner.
Campers give log-rolling a try!
Monday night is cabin night, so that time is good for continuing the process of cabin unity and bonding and making camp feel more like “home”.  Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday are evening activities (always fun choices!), and Wednesday is Campfire Night where your camper will be working with her cabin to prepare a song or skit (and write that first “official” letter home!).  The first week will FLY BY in no time!
Sand Lake is oh-so refreshing!
In the words of another former camper of mine (Alice Lurain) – YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  There are MILLIONS of parents (just like you!) who have mixed emotions on Opening Weekend!  Many parents shed tears this weekend and felt their heartstrings pull tight after giving one last hug.  We know that you love your daughters very much and that you will miss them while they are with us!  Thank you for giving them the gift of camp!
p.s. Here are more Alum Mother-Daughter photos…a big shout out to those who were unable to be photographed this weekend!  We hope to feature you in another post!
 Judy & Lou
Angie & Emilie
Sam & Renee