Camp Woodland Blog

July 7 OD Blog

Posted by on July 19, 2008

Dear OD Blog, July 7, 2008
So I woke up just like every other OD before me, and I went to wake up Jordan, the hostess. I went to her cabin to look for her and didn’t see her. So I looked all over the counselor’s area and she still wasn’t there. I ended up asking JoAnne What to do and she said that Jordan was already up. Then I rand the bell and woke up the rest of my cabin to hop! After assembly I did the normal OD duties, fun! I opened canteen for about two minutes, then I had to go up and ring the bell constantly for missing persons drill. Just as I was wondering how much longer is thing going to take, Tori ran up and told me to stop. Thank goodness! I finished canteen and went up to the cabin to shower, but Bobby distracted me by riding by on Rashad, so I went to the barn instead. Signing off,
P.S. Alex, stop stealing my hat!