Camp Woodland Blog

Happy Halloween from Silver Birch!


Best Moments from Silver Birch:

What is one moment at camp you will never forget?

Lizzy: Grace when she put sweatshirt and pants on a broom and was teaching us how to speak to boys.

Maria: Ugly Counselor Contest – it was AWESOME!  Every year I laugh so hard!

Paloma: The Ugly Counselor Contest, Gold Rush, and TP Fair.

Katherine: I will never forget getting to do a group trot in riding – I was super proud of myself!

Ellie: The Ugly Counselor Contest – it was so fun to dress up our counselors!

Alex: Horseback riding, archery, riflery, and Farm Zoo.

Eva: Dropping a bucket of sand and water on one of my counselors.

Tess: Reading at night and laughing our heads off.

Valentina: My friends and all of my activities.

Anika: how much fun we had at meals, the stories we told, and the humor of seeing Grace dress up a broom to look like a boy.


Tell about something adventurous you did this summer:

Lizzy: Going away from home for 6 weeks for my first summer, being able to get on a horse and ride for the first time.

Maria: Riding the Big Banana!

Paloma: I tried riflery.

Katherine: I tried knee-boarding this summer, and I really liked it.  I also tried sailing and looked forward to it every day!

Ellie: Tubing!

Alex: Going on a trail ride.

Eva: Going on two trail rides with my favorite horse, Birdie.  I had never been on a trail ride before!

Tess: I went knee-boarding for the first time!

Valentina: I rode Western and bareback in riding.

Anika: I went on my first canoe trip, and I went to the bog which was awesome!


Describe an achievement for which you are most proud:

Lizzy: Going to camp and not being afraid to try new things that I thought I could never do.  I persevered and did them!

Maria: Passing out of level 4 in swimming lessons.

Paloma: I passed to level 5 in swimming.

Katherine: I canoed across the lake in half an hour and learned how to make a fire.

Ellie: Being a more advanced class in riding.

Alex: Passing levels in archery.

Eva: Getting a really good score in archery – I got more than one qualifier that day!

Tess: I went from never being on a horse to trotting on my own.

Valentina: I passed by black yoeman in archery.

Anika: I am proud that I passed out of swim lessons, and I progressed to shooting at 20 yards in archery.


The thing I learned most about myself:

Lizzy: That I love horses and want to ride when I get home, and it is OK to be yourself!

Maria: I can do more things than I think.

Paloma: I like riding.

Katherine: I love people and that I should just be myself and not be afraid of new challenges.

Ellie: I can unleash my crazy side!

Alex: I had a lot of fun this summer!

Eva: People can appreciate me when I am myself more than when I try to act like somebody else that I am not in order to fit in.

Tess: I can get through things on my own.

Valentina: I don’t need money for everything.

Anika: camp is more fun if you stay for 6 weeks!
