Monthly Archives:July 2012
A "Hurricane" of Activity (posted by Kim Wenzl Aycock)
Looking ahead to the last two weeks of camp, there are many fun-filled events on the calendar such as Olympics, Woodland Fair, Co-Ed Show, and Final Banquet. These activities will bring closure to the camp experience and their importance in the sequence of the Woodland summer is made possible because of the growth the campers have made in the preceding four weeks. There is something exciting to look forward to every day at Camp Woodland!
The "Eye of the FUN Storm" (posted by Kim Wenzl Aycock)
Camp Packages
The big question parents are asking me is, “Lee, what type of package should I send my daughter”? That is a very good question……We always recommend sending a package that all the girls in your daughter’s cabin can enjoy. This summer the girls are really into crafting. Not just any crafting but with different colors of Duck Tape! They have made bows for their hair and other really neat crafts. I was even told that Towering Pines made wallets from different colors of duck tape. Pretty creative if you ask me!! One summer a cabin was very into knitting and a parent sent up an entire box filled with beautiful colored yarn and knitting needles.
Camp: From the Point of View of a First Year Camper
Emily from Hilltop wanted to let everyone know about her summer at camp thus far. This is her first summer at Camp Woodland! Emily is 12 years old, from a suburb of Milwaukee, and found out about camp from our website (Also, her mom loves Eagle River, WI!!!).
Week #3 – Camp is flying by!!